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The Eleventh Day of Christmas: Alex Danvers

The tough and brilliant Alex Danvers is next up on our wish list! An original character created for Supergirl, Alex has been a steady rock for Kara since season one and the show itself was built on their strong bond of sisterhood. Being an original character, the show has had the chance to develop her in a variety of ways over the seasons, some of which have paid off while others haven't as much. We discuss Alex's journey and what we'd like to see from her in 3B.

Cristina - I have had very mixed feelings about Alex Danvers this season, and unfortunately, it hasn’t been the first time. I miss the Alex Danvers from season one, so really my biggest wish is for the show to return to that. There have been attempts this season to get back to that, but those attempts haven’t always been successful (for example, 3x01 was a disaster, while 3x02 was closer to the mark). I just want to see Alex being truly supportive of Kara again like she was in season one, and also being the badass scientist we all know she is. I feel like that was really sacrificed in season two and I’d love to see more of Alex and Winn bonding in the DEO over nerdy science stuff. One other big wish I have is for the relationship between Alex and J’onn to keep developing. I’m assuming that at some point the show will bring up Jeremiah again (unfortunately) and when that time comes, I want the writers to honor the fact that Alex chose J’onn as her father in 3x01.

Opal - I hate to say this, but besides Alex’s breakup arc she hasn’t had much going on this season. I understand that it was a heart-wrenching experience and by no means do I want her to just move on at the drop of a hat. That being said, I want her to be more of a character outside just her romantic storyline. I want her to struggle in her role at the DEO, I want her to be a stronger presence in Kara’s life, and I want her to kick ass as a bioengineer at the DEO. I feel like she’s very stagnant and she needs to explore who she is a person. So my wish list for her is to have her own developmental arc (even exploring motherhood perhaps?), I want them to flesh out her relationships with J’onn and Winn like Cristina said, and I want her to have more of a part in the Legion/Worldkiller storyline.

Mia - Alex, like a few of the other characters, is at a standstill development-wise right now. However, I feel like the Arrowverse crossover was a good progression for her and I really enjoyed it. Like Cristina, I miss Alex from season one, where she was undoubtedly my second favourite character after Kara. She felt more multidimensional in the first season and I want to see that again. In season two, while I did love her coming out arc, they really stripped away most of her facets to be able to spend all her screen time on it. They have a strong, established character in Alex that I hope they utilise again. And as always, Alex’s scenes with Kara and J’onn (together or separately) are scenes I’m fully invested in when watching. Chyler truly has a way of creating an emotional connection and portraying it through facial expressions and body language.

Michelle - Alex will always be a favorite of mine, and I don’t think that will ever change for me. Her emotions and actions are real and having younger sisters myself, a lot of what goes on between Kara and her is so real and relatable. Of course Alex had a ton of development in season one; we were introduced to her then and so we saw her character gain form right before our eyes. Her storyline in season two was super important and I think an amazing coming out story that was so needed because, unfortunately, today we still don’t have great representation (on a ton of fronts, more than just the LGBT+ spectrum). I think Alex is where she needs to be and as Mia pointed out, the crossover showed a bit of a jumping off point for her as well (whether they’ll go with that momentum is another issue). My first wish for her is that she can find happiness after Maggie. We see she’s (hopefully) doing better, and whether that future happiness is with another love or with a child remains to be unseen, but that’s my biggest wish for her right now. I also really want to see more Kara and Alex scenes. They’re the heart of the show and I think that will make a lot of people happy, since that was the basis for the show and a reason a ton of us fell in love with it. And the scene in 3x02, “Triggers,” where Kara opens up about her mental state and Alex comforts her is one of the best this season so far. And lastly, I want Alex to be a badass on the field again. Not that she’s never not, we just haven’t seen her fighting a ton this season and I want more! Like her Kryptonite suit in season one or her awesome shootout last season where Kara catches her out of the DEO balcony??? Iconic.

Winnie - If we take a minute and just consider what Alex has gone through since the beginning of season two, it is hard not to feel for her on so many levels and just be in awe of the strength and grace that have come to define the formidable Alex Danvers. She came to terms with her sexuality, fell in love for the first time, found her father who she thought had been dead for years only to lose him again and have to live with his betrayal, be kidnapped, trapped in a water tank and almost die, fight an alien invasion of Earth where she almost had to kill her own sister on Presidential orders, propose to said first love, see her sister withdraw emotionally from their relationship in the wake of a brutal separation and being unable to help her, have to break up with said love of life over a newfound pull to motherhood, be kidnapped by Nazis and be taken to an alternate Earth with said sister in danger of having her heart literally ripped out and then last, but for sure not least, see her invincible sister be beaten to within an inch of her life and have to be the person who tries to keep her alive. Obviously Alex is not the only character to have gone through hardship on the show. But to me Alex’s path has been nothing short of daunting and yet she’s still standing true to herself, and to her sister. I wish that Alex is allowed to take a moment to take stock of how far she has come and how well she has fared. I wish we get to see her find more of herself. I wish she gets closure or at least answers about Jeremiah. I wish she gets to be her kickass agent/scientist self more often. I wish she internalizes that she is enough for the people in her life. And obviously I wish for non-stop Danvers sisters moments where my two favourite girls are there for each other as only they know how to be.

Now that you've heard our wishes for Alex Danvers for the rest of season three, let us know what you think. What do you hope to see with Alex when Supergirl returns next year? Stay tuned for more on our wish list tomorrow!

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