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The Seventh Day of Christmas: J'onn J'onzz

Lucky number seven goes to the incredible J'onn J'onzz! He has been a stable rock on this show since season one, serving as a mentor, friend, and father. In addition to being the head of a highly classified government organization, this season we saw him also discover his father, M'yrnn J'onzz, is alive and we caught more glimpses of J'onn outside of the DEO. We discuss our thoughts and wishes for J'onn in the rest of season three below.

Mia - Papa Bear! Space Dad! The incredibly underused Martian Manhunter. I know SFX are expensive, but please let J’onn be heavily involved with Kara vs. Reign, and the Legion of Superheroes. He’s an alien and a survivor, like Kara, and some of the best scenes of the show are of him and Kara having a heart to heart. I always want more J’onn + Danvers Sisters. J’onn is such an important character in this show and deserves any and all character development he can get.

Michelle - One of the only characters who I consistently love seeing on the screen. David’s great and J’onn is always fun to watch and is never annoying. I think his character has been portrayed and written so, so well, which is very important, especially this season. I do wish that they will use him more, though, considering all said above. His storyline with his father is great and I love that dynamic, but it can definitely be used more or expanded upon to make it more of the story we see in the main plot. I also want the family aspect J’onn has with Kara and Alex to be seen more. I'm also pissed he wasn’t in the crossover because he’s fricken’ MARTIAN MANHUNTER, hello??? I don’t know if I have a third wish; I just think he needs to be used more and have his talents shine because David (and J’onn) is amazing.

Opal - If you want to talk about wasted potential on the show, you should look no further than Martian Manhunter. After the promises that were made at Comic-Con about J’onn getting his own storyline with his father coming into the fold, I’ve been severely let down. Even as a “sidekick” he’s been a let down. Where was he when Reign was brutally beating down Kara? That’s not the Space Dad I have come to know and love. So I will echo what Mia said above, I need him to be a major player on team Supergirl again. I also want Space Grandpa to be more integrated with the team so him, J’onn, and Imra can be a set of badass telepaths, and I would love for him to go back to being a mentor to Alex and Kara like Mia also mentioned above.

Winnie - J’onn has been one of the characters that regressed into the background and I for one miss the gravitas he brought whenever he was on screen, a calming stable force. I agree with Opal, it is such wasted potential. That’s not to say that I am not enjoying J’onn getting his own storyline but I wish he retained his role with the team. I wish that Space Dad comes back into the fold. I wish that we see him go toe-to-toe/work with Imra once her telepathic abilities are found out. I wish that we'll see him act as the mirror to Kara who she is able to talk to about her struggles without having to put on a strong face.

Cristina - I could honestly write an entire essay about how much I love J’onn and how underused he is on Supergirl. Like Mia mentioned, I get that special effects are expensive for Martian Manhunter but 1) they should have known this from the beginning and moved the budget around if necessary so that an iconic character such as he is still treated with respect and 2) even if he’s not suited up, there is still so much that can be done and explored with J’onn J’onzz. The minor storyline bringing in his father is one of the few things that this season has actually done right, but I don’t want that storyline to remain stagnant. I want to see more of J’onn with his father, especially now that they’ve moved into an apartment together and I want to see them both interacting more with Kara and Alex and Winn. There is a tremendous amount of undiscovered potential with J’onn!

Now that you've heard our wishes for J'onn J'onzz for the rest of season three, let us know what you think. What do you hope to see with J'onn when Supergirl returns next year? Stay tuned for more on our wish list tomorrow!

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