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Currently, having an existential crisis over most of the fictional characters I love as I prefer them over actual real life people. 24 year-old Canadian who is made up of 70% sarcasm and 30% impassioned ranting. By day, I work in Human Resources and by night I work on my novel. Comic book characters are basically my life.


Much like when I'm angry, fangirling brings out my Chicago accent and I drink way more coffee than I should. Latin music is my favorite genre and strong female characters own my ass. If I'm not shouting about Star Wars or Buffy, you'll find me here, raving about Kara Danvers. I'm 22 with a passion for writing, speaking my mind and drinking male tears.


Norwegian nerd with a huge love for anything space, science and fantasy. Spends a lot of time online being a good ol’ fangirl when I’m not at work being a biomedical scientist mixing dangerous chemicals. Take Kara Danvers and Jemma Simmons, mix ‘em up, and you get me.

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